
“Supporting, inspring and connecting Christ-centred leaders and congregations within the United Church of Canada”

Cruxifusion Conference 2014 – Welcome

Rev. Greg Brawn, chair of the Cruxifusion Board, welcomes us to our 2014 conference. [youtube=] If you are having trouble viewing the video, please click here to see it on YouTube.  

Cruxifusion 2014 Recap

We came. We saw. We left. We have just had our 2014 Cruxifusion Conference at Martin Grove United Church in Tononto. This conference is a time for United Church ministers and  students from across Canada to be connected, be supported, be blessed, and be a blessing. We...

Cruxifusion AGM and Materials

Notice of Meeting: Cruxifusion’s Annual General Meeting will be on Tuesday, April 29th at 3:00 PM (Eastern Time) at Martin Grove United Church, 75 Pergola Rd, Toronto. (This meeting will take place during the annual Cruxifusion Conference.) All subscribers to our...

The Work Continues

Greetings in our Lord Jesus Christ! This is the season of annual reports, so we thought it appropriate to let you know about Cruxifusion’s ministries through 2013 and our upcoming plans for 2014. Cruxifusion continues to grow; the Lord is adding to our number both...

Cruxifusion in 2014

2014 is upon us! After a good 2013 we at Cruxifusion are looking forward to what 2014 will bring for our little organization and for the United Church of Canada. First, a few highlights from 2013: We had Holy Week devotional videos We had our 2013 Cruxifusion...