
“Supporting, inspring and connecting Christ-centred leaders and congregations within the United Church of Canada”

As part of our ongoing mission to support and encourage pastors, leaders and churches, our annual conferences seek to connect clergy and church leaders from across the United Church of Canada.

Below are the archives our our recent conferences. Feel free to browse videos of sermons and presentations from our gatherings.

Videos from Cruxifusion 2015

Michael Goodfellow Preaches

Michael Goodfellow opens our 2015 conference with a sermon on 1 Peter 2.

George Foster Shares with Cruxifusion 2015

We welcomed George Foster, a man with extensive mission experience, who shared with us at Cruxifusion 2015. [youtube=] If you are having problems viewing the video, please click here.

Chris Pullenayegem and Discipleship

Chris Pullenayegem talks to the importance of discipleship and disciple-making at Cruxifusion 2015. [youtube=] If you are having trouble viewing the video, please click here.

Blair Paterson Preaches at Cruxifusion 2015

Blair Paterson preaches for Cruxifusion 2015 on Solomon 4. [youtube=] If you are having trouble seeing the video, please click here.

Heather Carlson Preaches at Cruxifusion 2015

Heather Carlson, newly selected to the Cruxifusion board, preaches on 1 Corinthians 13. [youtube=] If you are having trouble seeing the video, please click here!

Richard Bott at Cruxifusion

Richard Bott, friend to many in Cruxifusion, shares an "outsider's view" regarding the role of Cruxifusion in the United Church of Canada. [youtube=] If you are having trouble viewing the video, please click here.

Diane Walker shares at Cruxifusion 2015

Diane Walker shares some tips for those gathered at Cruxifusion 2015. [youtube=] (apologies that we missed the first few moments of her talk) If you are having trouble seeing the video, please click here.

Sharon Earle-Marshall preaches at Cruxifusion 2015

Sharon Earle-Marshall preaches on Genesis 1-2:3 at Cruxifusion 2015 [youtube=] If you are having trouble viewing the video, please click here.

Nick Phillips Preaches at Cruxifusion 2015

The newly elected Chair of the Cruxifusion Board, Nick Phillips, preaches on Matthew 11:25-30 at the closing worship of Cruxifusion 2015. [youtube=] Having trouble viewing the video? Please click here.

Videos from Cruxifusion 2014

Cruxifusion Conference 2014 – Welcome

Rev. Greg Brawn, chair of the Cruxifusion Board, welcomes us to our 2014 conference. [youtube=] If you are having trouble viewing the video, please click here to see it on YouTube.  

Cruxifusion 2014 – Lori Hill Sermon

Rev. Lori Hill, from our host church, Martin Grove United, shares a message at the 2014 Cruxifusion conference. [youtube=] If you have trouble viewing the video, please click here.

Cruxifusion 2014 – Paul Miller Presentation

Rev. Paul Miller shares with us "Reading Theology for Ministry" [youtube=] If you are having trouble viewing the video, please click here.

Cruxifusion 2014 – John Young instigates

At Cruxifusion 2014 we had "instigators" who invited us into conversation. Our first instigator was John Young who invited us to consider "Preaching Doctrine in the Church Today" [youtube=] Having trouble seeing the video?...

Cruxifusion 2014 – Andrew Stirling Preaching

Andrew Stirling shares the Word with us at Cruxifusion 2014. [youtube=] If you are having trouble viewing the video, please click here.

Cruxifusion 2014 – Bob Thompson (United Church of Christ)

As the United Church of Canada has ongoing discussions with the United Church of Christ around the topic of entering into full communion, we thought it would be beneficial to invite someone from the renewal movement in that denomination to come and share his...

Cruxifusion 2014 – Michael Goodfellow preaches

Michael Goodfellow preaches to open our second day. [youtube=] If you are having trouble viewing the video, please click here.

Cruxifusion 2014 – Rob Fennell instigates

Rob Fennell leads us in a discussion on "The 7 Key Functions of the Church: How Are We Doing?" [youtube=] Rob also provided a handout for us, which is available here. If you have trouble seeing the video, please click here.

Cruxifusion 2014 – Connie DenBok presents

Connie DenBok shares with us on the topic "Leading in Discouraged Congregations" [youtube=] If you are having trouble viewing the video, please click here. To see the Willie Nelson video she references at the end of her...

Cruxifusion 2014 – Chris Pullenayegem

Chris Pullenayegem, from the United Church of Canada EDGE Network and the General Council unit in Discipleship and Witness, led us in a lively discussion on church planting and life within the United Church of Canada....

2013 Conference Videos

Cruxifusion 2013 Sermons – Greg Brawn

At our 2013 Conference, we had the delight of hearing great preaching twice a day. Greg Brawn kicked our week off with this message based on 2 Corinthians 4. [youtube=] If you are having trouble viewing the video, please click...

Cruxifusion 2013 Presentations – Paul Scott Wilson

Paul Scott Wilson from Emmanuel College shares with us his current research. [youtube=] If you are having trouble seeing the video please click here.

2013 Conference Sermons – Ross Lockhart

Ross Lockhart closed our first day together with this sermon. [youtube=] If you are having trouble seeing the video, please click here.  

Cruxifusion 2013 Sermon – Michael Goodfellow

Michael opens day 2 of our conference. [youtube=] If you are having trouble viewing the video, please click here.

Cruxifusion 2013 Presentation – Peter Wyatt

Peter Wyatt shares with us about the Trinity and serving with a high Christology. [youtube=] Having trouble seeing the video? Please click here.  

Cruxifusion 2013 Presentation – Bronwyn Corlett

Bronwyn Corlett is the new General Council program coordinator for ministry recruitment for the United Church of Canada. Bronwyn shared with us some stats and thoughts, but also took back with her some feedback from the conference. Thank you Bronwyn and our prayers...

Cruxifusion Sermon Day 2 – Kimberly Heath

Many thanks to Kimberly Heath for her message to close day 2 of our Cruxifusion conference. [youtube=] If you are having trouble viewing the video, please click here.

Cruxifusion Sermon – Orville James

Orville James kicks off day 3 of the conference with a sermon on the atonement, but also gets us looking forward to spring with some helpful props! [youtube=] Please click here if you are having trouble viewing the video.

Cruxifusion Presentation – Adrianne Hockridge Robertson

Thank you to Adrianne who shared with us the story of renewal in her small rural Ontario church. [youtube=] If you are having trouble viewing the video, please click here.

Cruxifusion Presentation – Ed Bentley

Ed Bentley was our final presenter at the 2013 Conference, he did not disappoint. [youtube=] Having trouble seeing the video? Please click here.