As the United Church of Canada has ongoing discussions with the United Church of Christ around the topic of entering into full communion, we thought it would be beneficial to invite someone from the renewal movement in that denomination to come and share his...
Rev. Greg Brawn, chair of the Cruxifusion Board, welcomes us to our 2014 conference. [youtube=] If you are having trouble viewing the video, please click here to see it on YouTube.
We came. We saw. We left. We have just had our 2014 Cruxifusion Conference at Martin Grove United Church in Tononto. This conference is a time for United Church ministers and students from across Canada to be connected, be supported, be blessed, and be a blessing. We...
We are pleased to share that Cruxifusion Board member, Debbie McMillan has written a Lenten Devotional book, Confronted By Jesus (available at the UCRD Store). As part of getting ready for Lent, Nick Phillips (also a Cruxifusion Board member) will be interviewing...
The United Church has officially added three more faith statements to our official doctrine: The 1940 Statement of Faith, A New Creed, and A Song of Faith. This spring, all three expressions of Christian faith received support from a majority of pastoral charges and...
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