
“Supporting, inspring and connecting Christ-centred leaders and congregations within the United Church of Canada”

Today’s prayer for General Council comes from Rev. Adam Kilner. To view the archive of all prayers being offered in the lead up to GC43 click here.

“Oh you, whose love is reigning over us,

The whole of creation sings, for you are good.

The song of the sea creatures greets the song of those on land, and then rises to meet the song of those whose lives are lived in the air. The combined song of the creatures joins the anthem that humankind has sung to you since time began, and we celebrate, for the creatures have enacted the declaration of the Psalm:

“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord” (Ps. 150:6)

And the song of earthly creation joins the chorus of the angelic choir, rising to greet you in the heavenly court. We sing of your faithfulness, your generosity, your compassion, and your love – but most of all, we sing of One who will never abandon us – One who will never let us go.

Though we be hungry, bitter, beaten down, abandoned by our own, impoverished, sick, oppressed or marginalized we sing of you, God, whose love is reigning over us.

And so we will sing of your faithfulness until the fire of love captures the heart of the church again and we see the glory of the Lord smeared all over the church, the same way it was when Moses came down from the mountain and he was glowing!

May our leaders in this United Church of Canada – lay, ordered, and designated lay – remember your faithfulness as they meet this summer at General Council in Oshawa, pray together, and discern what the Spirit is saying to the church that we may continue to live out our calling, which originates with you, the God of our salvation. Amen!”