
“Supporting, inspring and connecting Christ-centred leaders and congregations within the United Church of Canada”

Today’s prayer for General Council comes fromRev. Ingrid Hartloff Brown. To view the archive of all prayers being offered in the lead up to GC43 click here.

“A prayer for today, inspired by the Rev. Erin Counihan, PCUSA.

Holy Mystery who is Wholly Love, we pause in our preparations, we pause in our frazzle, we pause in our day to recentre ourselves on you.
You who are the source of all, we know love because you first loved us.
We are reconciled to you and one another because of your precious Christ. We are animated by your Holy Spirit.
We cannot do this thing called life without you. We do not want to do this thing called life without you.
Today we pray as the limb of Christ’s body on earth we call the UCC begins to move towards Oshawa.
We pray for all of these commissioners who have said yes to this work.
For the courage to hear your call, O Lord.
For the strength to listen, and wait, and ask questions, and (yes, really) be changed.
By you.
For the commitment to all that change to move me to action.
To scream and shout and rage and dance.
To listen and rest and dream and wonder.
To move body, feet, heart.
For the faith to trust your will (your voice, your nudging).
For the faith to trust your people (these neighbors in this time).
For the faith to trust your Spirit (is that you blowing through this place?).
For the love, the love you’ve already given, the love we seek to claim and know and share, for the love and for the love and the love and the love.
O Lord, for the you at work in me (in us), I pray and pray and pray.