
“Supporting, inspring and connecting Christ-centred leaders and congregations within the United Church of Canada”

Keep Christ and Carry On3

We spent 3 days at Martin Grove United Church in Toronto with a group of 60 or so ministers, students and leaders in the United Church of Canada. We came to worship and praise God (and did we do it powerfully? YES!). We heard wonderfully inspirational, insightful, thoughtful and thought-provoking speakers who shared with us each day. We laughed, we cried, we prayed deeply, we sang with our entire bodies and souls… we were with God in a powerful way.

Over those days we recorded videos of sermons and presentations which are now available on our site (see below). Feel free to share these video with your friends, your churches, your families, because we want you to share them. We want the world to know that Jesus Christ is Lord and that when we come together as the family of God, great and powerful things can happen.

If you haven’t subscribed to our email list to be notified when these updates are made to our site, we invite you to do so now by visiting the front page of and enter your email address on the right-hand side of the page. You’ll get an email asking you to confirm the subscription, and from there you’ll get occasional emails letting you know when there is new content here.

Here are some video highlights from our conference:


You can access the videos above in the menu items listed under “2013 Conference Recap” or by the links below.

To all our friends who gathered with us, and for all who prayed and supported us, we give thanks for you. And we hope in return we can inspire you to share your love of Jesus Christ our Lord within your church and your community.

If you feel called to help support our ministry, we invite you to Contact Us and let us know. Cruxifusion is a registered Canadian charity.

God bless you all,
The Cruxifusion Board.