
“Supporting, inspring and connecting Christ-centred leaders and congregations within the United Church of Canada”


Merry Christmas!

I suspect many of you aren’t reading this until after Christmas Day. You’ve been spending time with family and friends; wrapping and unwrapping; cooking and eating; going out and coming home. That’s as it should be.

I pray you are having a good Christmas – a Jesus-filled Christmas. I pray you are experiencing Jesus as your hope, peace, joy, and love during these Christmas days. As you celebrate the incarnation and birth of your Lord and Saviour, recognize that you’re not just remembering a wondrous miracle of love that happened 2,000 years ago – you are celebrating the very same God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit who continues to work out in you His glorious purpose.

Lord Jesus, thank you for leaving your place in glory to enter fully into our world and into our humanity. Thank you for living for us, for dying for us, for rising for us, for ascending for us. We look forward to that glorious day when we shall see you face to face. All glory be given to you: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen and Amen!

If you missed an entry in our Advent devotions series, please click here to see all previously posted devotions.