
“Supporting, inspring and connecting Christ-centred leaders and congregations within the United Church of Canada”


Anyone who has witnessed the birth of a baby knows what absolute love can look like. My last two children were 40+ hour failed attempts at home births yet despite the seemingly  endless hours of pain and frustration with meddling doctors, something magical happened the moment my midwife handed me each of my children. I looked at their tiny, perfect faces and fell in love.  And I imagine that the look of absolute adoration Mary and Joseph gazed at Jesus with in the first few moments after his birth was the first physical manifestation of God’s love during Jesus’s time on earth.

Because that’s the same love that God has for each and every one of us…not like the love we fall into when we are older which can often be accompanied by worldly thoughts-jealousy, low self-esteem, possessiveness.  No, the love of God is like the love of a parent the first time they look into the eyes of their child. No matter how hard the labour was, how many months the adoption papers took, or how much money the fertility clinic cost, the second that a parent lays eyes on their child they reflect God’s love.

As the hustle and bustle of Christmas goes into full swing-as we do some last minute shopping, guests arrive, and we hit the road to go visiting be mindful of the love we are reflecting to the world. Is it a worldly love or a spiritual love? Be aware that this is a lonely time for many people-be the light of God shining in their lives-go visit or drop off a card. Keep in your prayers those without power from the ice storm-invite them in to share the warmth of your home. And whatever you do, do it in love honouring the first sight Jesus saw in this world-the loving stare of his Mother while wrapped in the warmth of her embrace. May you be the love of God personified this Christmas season.

If you missed an entry in our Advent devotions series, please click here to see all previously posted devotions.