
“Supporting, inspring and connecting Christ-centred leaders and congregations within the United Church of Canada”

Nick Phillips Preaches at Cruxifusion 2015

The newly elected Chair of the Cruxifusion Board, Nick Phillips, preaches on Matthew 11:25-30 at the closing worship of Cruxifusion 2015. [youtube=] Having trouble viewing the video? Please click here.

Diane Walker shares at Cruxifusion 2015

Diane Walker shares some tips for those gathered at Cruxifusion 2015. [youtube=] (apologies that we missed the first few moments of her talk) If you are having trouble seeing the video, please click...

Richard Bott at Cruxifusion

Richard Bott, friend to many in Cruxifusion, shares an “outsider’s view” regarding the role of Cruxifusion in the United Church of Canada. [youtube=] If you are having trouble viewing the video, please click...