
“Supporting, inspring and connecting Christ-centred leaders and congregations within the United Church of Canada”

We’ve just completed our first day of the Cruxifusion conference.

After getting to know one another a little bit, we were “instigated” by Christine Jerrett to consider the importance of sacraments in our worship, in particular baptism, and what it means for us to be baptized and baptizers as communities of faith. It lead us to wonderful discussions on significant baptism experiences from our own stories, and how baptism plays a part in our churches.

After a break, we were then instigated by David Bruce in discussions around spiritual disciplines. The disciplines of our church membership and our own, how well do we model these practices, and how well do we teach/encourage/develop the spiritual practices of people who pass through our doors.

We closed this night with a powerful worship experience, praying, praising, anointing, confessing, being still with our God.

The bar has been set high for the next two days as we KNOW we will have much left to process within our own minds as to where God is leading us as His people to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our congregations.

Your continued prayer for us as we gather is greatly appreciated. The presence of the Living God is moving among us in powerful ways.