
“Supporting, inspring and connecting Christ-centred leaders and congregations within the United Church of Canada”

Lenten Devotionals – Nick Phillips

We begin our Lenten video devotional series with Nick Phillips from Carman United in Sydney Mines, NS. We will have daily video devotionals for the duration of Lent (excluding Sundays). We hope you enjoy them. [youtube=] Feel...

Lenten Devotionals

Beginning tomorrow, Ash Wednesday, February 22nd, we will begin a series of daily posts from Monday through Saturday of videos featuring leaders from across the United Church of Canada giving us words of hope and reflection. We pray that you find these videos helpful...

Advent video

This past Advent, we gathered voices and faces from the Cruxifusion conference to share in an Advent video message. This is what we produced, we hope it has been a blessing to you. [youtube=]