
“Supporting, inspring and connecting Christ-centred leaders and congregations within the United Church of Canada”


The wise men came. They came and worshipped a child born into poverty. They came and worshipped a child with gifts of their very best. They came and worshipped for they knew that He was the King of all kings.

As we prepare ourselves this holiday season to share gifts we should remember the wise men. Their tradition of gift giving has carried through the generations since the first Christmas. They gave the very best they had to offer. One may not be able to afford what people today conceive as the very best. But the very best one has to offer IS always the very best in the eyes of the Lord. Gifts from the heart are worth more than all the gold in the world. God gave us His greatest gift in His Son, Jesus Christ. We can carry the gifts of giving throughout the entire year by making sure that each and every day we give our very best.

Loving God, As we prepare ourselves to celebrate the birth of your Son Jesus Christ this Advent season, we ask that you help us stay focussed on the true gifts of Christianity. No gift is greater than those of faith, hope and charity. It is through the spreading of Your Word and love in this world that we truly realize the grace you have so freely given. Let us remember that the greatest gifts are not those that have monetary significance but are of heart and spirit and help spread your light in this world. We ask this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen

If you missed an entry in our Advent devotions series, please click here to see all previously posted devotions.