
“Supporting, inspring and connecting Christ-centred leaders and congregations within the United Church of Canada”


One of my favourite hymns is Christus Paradox – in it, UCC minister and hymnwriter Sylvia Dunstan captures the beauty and mystery of how the holy and the human meet in Jesus Christ: “You, Lord, are both lamb and shepherd. You, Lord, are both prince and slave… You, the everlasting instant; you, whom we both scorn and crave.” (# 210 Voices United)

Today’s passage highlights the contradicting and demanding claims of our faith – Jesus IS born into poverty, obscurity, and helplessness – and, Jesus IS ALSO the anointed one, the saviour, the Christ. How can it be?

How can it not be, when we recall the history of God’s relationship with creation – always present, always at work, always working against our small ideas of privilege, safety, rewards and punishments… God consistently chooses the lowly, the imperfect, the foolish – to proclaim that vulnerable love is stronger than all the death-dealing powers of the world.

Where are you finding Christ this Advent?

Holy God, thank you for choosing to speak to us through paradox, metaphor, and story. Thank you for also speaking to us through the tangible needs of our neighbour, the words of a stranger, and the calling of our own hearts. Help us to reach out with hands that serve, so that others may experience your love. In Jesus’ name we pray and live, Amen.

If you missed an entry in our Advent devotions series, please click here to see all previously posted devotions.