
“Supporting, inspring and connecting Christ-centred leaders and congregations within the United Church of Canada”

Rev. Sally Boyle

We have asked all the nominees for moderator four questions so that we, as a church, could get to know them a little better. Here are the responses for Rev. Sally Boyle. If you would like to know more about Sally, please read her profile from the General Council 41 website.

1) “Cruxifusion” means “united by the cross.” What does Jesus’ death on the cross and his resurrection mean to you?
Jesus death, especially in such an extremely cruel fashion, was the reaction of a mob of frightened people who misunderstood Jesus’ message of hope and believed that he was a threat to everything that they held dear. For me it is a reminder that there will always be those who view love and justice as a threat to power. The resurrection is the boldest expression that God could have used to convey the great hope that truth cannot be crucified and entombed. Love will always come alive again.

2) Describe the God you worship.
The God I worship is a God of love, and justice and inclusivity and right relation. This God gives me courage, fills my soul, and reminds me of the many ways in which I am called to build strong , life-giving relationships with all others whom I encounter on this journey of life. I worship the God who leads us out of slavery, calls us daily to set aside the things which are worrying us and concentrate instead on the ones who are marginalized and in need. I worship the God who created the prairie sunset and sometimes speaks in a prairie storm. I worship a God who is energy, and light and love.

3) Which Christian author has had the greatest impact on you?
I would have to name Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan. Borg’s image of Jesus as a revolutionary peasant has challenged me, uplifted me and occasionally comforted me. Crossan has a way of calling me to see things from a slightly different angle…to look beyond the obvious to the hidden gem. Crossan’s material has reminded me that every single scriptural metaphor or story can be seen simply as the oyster shell or pried open to expose the pearl.

4) What gifts and passions do you have that you believe the United Church of Canada needs today?
I have the ability to think outside the box and I have the courage to suggest that which may be unpopular. I do not believe that “the way we have always done it” can continue to be the way we do it. I believe there is immense value in our history and there may be some things we want to consider again in light of our new reality…like Wesley’s understanding of and commitment to mission. On the other hand I believe we are at a time of breaking new trail and making a new path to call the Christian Way and we will need people who are prepared to be unpopular, outrageous and courageous in order to do that.

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