
“Supporting, inspring and connecting Christ-centred leaders and congregations within the United Church of Canada”

Cruxifusion 2016 Schedule

See our 2016 Conference Schedule!

To download a PDF of the schedule, click here!.

8:28 Prayer – Learning to Listen Prayer – Learning to Listen
9:00 Worship Worship
9:45 Jamie Holtom & Debbie Johnson
Aiming at the Bullseye (part 2)
Christine Jerrett
Cultivating Congregations
10:00 Informal Gathering at North Bramalea Board Meeting
11:00 Registration Open
**No lunches provided on Monday
Testimonies Ed Searcy
Cruciformity – Life as a Gospel Rabbi
12:00 Lunch Lunch
1:00 Welcome and Introductions 12:58
Prayer – Learning to Listen
Prayer – Learning to Listen
1:30 Jordan Cantwell
Moderator of the UCC
Worship with Communion
1:45 Worship
2:45 Tony Campolo Chris Pullenayegem
Spiritual Parenting
Conference Ends
4:00 Jamie Holtom & Debbie Johnson
Aiming at the Bullseye (part 1)
Cruxifusion Annual Meeting
5:00 Supper Supper
Prayer – Learning to Listen
6:30 World Vision presentation Prayer Summit
7:00 Worship
Tony Campolo preaching
End for the evening