
“Supporting, inspring and connecting Christ-centred leaders and congregations within the United Church of Canada”

Cruxifusion 2020 Update

Friends, in light of world events we are currently all experiencing,
the board has decided to cancel our 2020 Gathering.


Cruxifusion AGM

Cruxifusion is one way we share in Christ's life and work together. While we won't be physically gathering in a couple of weeks, we will still be getting together. Our Annual General Meeting will be taking place using Zoom.

Wednesday, April 29
10am Pacific
11am Mountain, Saskatchewan
12noon Central
1pm Eastern
2pm Maritime
2:30pm Nfld

information will be posted earlier that week.

Proclaiming Jesus

Crucified & Risen

Our Judge & Our Hope

You are invited to our 2020 Gathering, April 21-23, 2020
at North Bramalea United Church, Brampton, ON

Our Keynote Speakers for 2020

Judy Paulsen

Director of the Institute of Evangelism,
Wycliffe College


Simon Muwowo

Minister, Burin Pastoral Charge, NL
Shaping Generations, Founder and President


Elle Pyke

New Leaf Church Planting Network
Free Methodist Church, Lay Minister




2020 Registration Fees

Fees includes airfare**, meals and hotel

  • $375 for ministers and those in paid accountable ministry, shared room ($425 after March 21)
  • $550 for a private room ($600 after March 21)
  • $250 for ministers who will find their own accommodation ($300 after March 21)
  • $275 for student ministers ($450 for a private room) ($325 and $500 after March 21)
  • $150 for students who find their own accommodation ($200 after March 21)
  • $120 for single day registrations (includes lunch, dinner)

** airfare is rebated at up to 80% of cost to attendee, with proof of booking. Details on the registration form.