
“Supporting, inspring and connecting Christ-centred leaders and congregations within the United Church of Canada”

Hello Cruxers.

On March 17, 2020, the Cruxifusion Board met electronically and decided to cancel our 2020 Gathering, which was scheduled for April.

We’ve tentatively scheduled our 2021 gathering for April 20-22. We’ll be speaking with our instigators, hoping they can be with us for that time. And we hope you can be part of it too!

Tony will be in touch with those who’d already registered for this year. We’ll be refunding those who have paid; we just need to work out the logistics on that. If you’ve already paid for your flight, please cancel! If you don’t get a full refund please let us know. (We can’t make promises at this point, but want to know if there are problems and see how we can help.)

We are working on ideas for connecting Cruxers online. These wouldn’t necessarily be during that planned April 21-23 slot, but more spread out at different times. Ideas include: prayer times, workshops, sharing elders’ wisdom, and our AGM (which we think we need to have). Give us a chance to work out those details. We’ll be sure to let you know.

I’m very confident this is the right decision. And I am sad about it. Meeting together, sharing presence, is one of the most important times of my year.

How wonderful it is, then to know that when we are in prayer, each in our our place, we are joined by the Spirit in the company of the faithful, including one another.

Blessings in Christ Jesus,
Greg Smith-Young
Chair of the Board