
“Supporting, inspring and connecting Christ-centred leaders and congregations within the United Church of Canada”

Cruxifusion has adopted the tradition of posing questions to nominees for Moderator of the United Church of Canada so that we may learn a bit more about them. To view answers from all nominees for GC43, click here.

Rev. Cathy Larmond

1. Who is Jesus Christ for you?
Jesus is my Lord and Saviour. He was fully human, time and space limited as Jesus the man, and yet, He is also the Logos, the Word, the unlimited Christos. A holy mystery and a tension of which I need to continue to be aware.

2. The General Council Executive has identified discipleship and faith formation as a key objective of the work of our denomination for the next three years. Please share something about your personal understanding of Christian discipleship.
Discipleship is an ongoing task, a daily walk with God. Like any other discipline: exercise, or keeping track of my finances, I need to keep up with it, and not save it all up for one day a week. Reading the Bible daily, prayer and meditation are all disciplines I strive to keep up. Sometimes I am more successful than others, but a discipline is by definition a challenge.

3. As Moderator, your task, according to the Manual (2016) is to: “give leadership to the United Church, especially in spiritual things, quickening in the hearts of the people a sense of God as revealed in Christ, and heartening and strengthening the whole United Church.” How might you see yourself doing this, and particularly to the small, rural, and more isolated congregations that comprise a large percentage of our denomination?
I have served in small, rural and isolated congregations. Lately it has not been as isolated, but that is where I started, and I’m still in a two point rural charge. I am aware of the difficulties in feeling connected and able to communicate with others! When I started connecting on the internet was only just in its infancy. Even now, the internet is spotty in places, which makes even electronic connections difficult. That is one place to start, how do we connect with each other? One of my foci is relationships, with a focus on trying to keep us all connected, especially when we don’t have presbyteries as a vehicle for connection any more. I would hope to visit the more isolated places, not just big places. I’d also hope for a large internet “footprint” for the moderator to allow people to communicate. Also I would encourage creating and supporting existing forums for people to share ideas and support.

4. Recognizing our ecumenical connections, how would you help the U.C.C. become more welcoming of those who hold a more orthodox or Christ-centred theology?
I am very interested in ecumenical connections! In my local ministerial we all hold different theologies, but we can get along and sponsor group events together. We concentrate on what we hold in common, rather than what divides us. When we do discuss theology, we try to do so respectfully. I would hope that “Holy Manners” will prevail!

5. How can we pray for you and what is your prayer for the Church?
Pray for me as I seek to follow the Spirit’s leading. Please pray for the church in this time of transition that we are conscious of our relationship with Jesus and of our relationships with each other.